SomniLight Computer and Gaming Glasses
SomniLight computer glasses can help reduce glare, eye strain, and insomnia caused by lengthy late-night gaming and computer browsing sessions. Blue light from cell phones, computer screens, and television screens can lead to acute eye strain and block production of up to 99% of the sleep hormone melatonin, causing chronic insomnia. Our computer glasses are lightly tinted to block roughly 50% of blue wavelengths. This light yellow tint effectively reduces eyestrain without dramatically altering your browsing experience.
Whether you're programming late into the night or raiding dungeons, blue blocking glasses have been demonstrated to help reduce eye strain and reestablish healthy sleep patterns.
If you suffer from more advanced eyestrain (photophobia) or chronic insomnia, you may alternatively wish to purchase SomniLight Amber Sleep Glasses, which block over 99% of blue wavelengths.
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